Arsalan said ini page 10 : in sadra's case, as it is with the other sufi existentialist,such as ibn arabi in general that "Being" designates the reality of all existent in general, whereas existence refers to only the reality of each existent (maujud) it goes without saying , that the unity of being has a mystical root the kind of the unity of being, posed in mulla sadra's philosophy is the same as the one set forth in gnosis (irfan) art is the significance of mulla sadra's a solid philosophical foundation for this doctrine. That there is One and no one but Him (Asfar vol 2 p.292) The theory of the unity of Being and its demonstrability in mulla sadra's and ibn arabi (by Qasim Kaka'i Ph.d) before sirhindi, doctrine of wahdat wujud ibnu arabi was no way acceptable to the muslim theologian, syaikh sirhindi introduced the concept of wahdat al-wujud and opened a new factor of controversy,it was a shah waliyullah whose rational explanation of both doctrin...