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answering take home test

Take Home Test Final Examination Philosophy of Religion By Nano Warno 1. a) Is philosophy of Religion possible? (Considering that philosophy is rational whereas religion is identical with faith) Yes, it possible, because not all elements of the religious is faith is or must be accepted by faith. According to Islamic religion the people should accepted the fundamental islamic doctrine by ratio before by faith. Even according to Farabi perfection of the soul is not only dependent on worship rituals, but also depend on intellectual actifity (tafakkur). Philosophy also increase faith said because as said by Rudolf Otto, one of the aspects of the gods, as the central religious is misterium tremendum and God also has aspects fascinosum aspects to attract love and to achieved only by ratio. Philosophy also brings us discuss issues that go in the metaphysics realm, imaginal world, and spiritual world where religious faith will operate. b) Give an example as an illustration for your answ...

My draft of proposal

Arsalan said ini page 10 : in sadra's case, as it is with the other sufi existentialist,such as ibn arabi in general that "Being" designates the reality of all existent in general, whereas existence refers to only the reality of each existent (maujud) it goes without saying , that the unity of being has a mystical root the kind of the unity of being, posed in mulla sadra's philosophy is the same as the one set forth in gnosis (irfan) art is the significance of mulla sadra's a solid philosophical foundation for this doctrine. That there is One and no one but Him (Asfar vol 2 p.292) The theory of the unity of Being and its demonstrability in mulla sadra's and ibn arabi (by Qasim Kaka'i Ph.d) before sirhindi, doctrine of wahdat wujud ibnu arabi was no way acceptable to the muslim theologian, syaikh sirhindi introduced the concept of wahdat al-wujud and opened a new factor of controversy,it was a shah waliyullah whose rational explanation of both doctrin...

tak home tes lengkap

By Nano Warno The Background, the motive and the aim of Popper in suggesting the idea of falsification 1) It is very visible that Popper did not like the closed views, not open to criticism. For him, the view is not more of an ideology at all which is accepted fanatically . Truth or knowledge of approaching the truth can be obtained only when science is open to critical (falsification). a dedicated opponent of all forms of scepticism, conventionalism, and relativism in science and in human affairs generally, a committed advocate and staunch defender of the ‘Open Society’, and an implacable critic of totalitarianism in all of its forms. 2) Logical positivism is the school of of philosophy and science who want to criticized by Karl Raimund Popper in the his philosophy called critical rationalism. 3) Thought Karl Raimund Popper in the flow of critical rationalism his disagreement to the basic idea of some logical positivism. His critics against the idea and way of logical positivism, Popp...

falsifikasi popper

The Background, the motive and the aim of Popper in suggesting the idea of falsification 1) It is very visible that Popper did not like the closed views, not open to criticism. For him, the view is not more of an ideology at all which is accepted fanatically . Truth or knowledge of approaching the truth can be obtained only when science is open to critical (falsifikasi). a dedicated opponent of all forms of scepticism, conventionalism, and relativism in science and in human affairs generally, a committed advocate and staunch defender of the ‘Open Society’, and an implacable critic of totalitarianism in all of its forms. 2) Logical positivism is the school of of philosophy and science who want to critisized by Karl Raimund Popper in the his philosophy called critical rationalism. 3) Thought Karl Raimund Popper in the flow of critical rationalism his disagreement to the basic idea of some logical positivism. His critics against the idea and way of logical positivism, Popper encourage to ...

kuhn take home test-2

Systematic account of the process and structure of scientific revolution Kuhn 1) Paradigm in philosophy is view of life, mode,pattern or assumption in theory of knowledge .or a totality of premises,theorities and methodologis which determine and define kind of study and also paradigm is ground for solving problem 2) Normal science paradigm The stage is, there is no dispute about the fundamental issues between the sceintis so that a single paradigm is accepted by all. And it is this characteristic that distinguishes between normal science and pre-science. Single paradigm that has been received is protected from criticism and that he falsifikasi resistance from many critics and falsifikasi. Paradigms that guide scientific research experiments or deny the existence of a strict definition, although , the paradigm is covered: Some typical components that will explicitly propose laws and theoretical assumptions. With so the law "movement" Newton formed part of the Newtonian...

take home test 1

Metaphysics is the ground of rationality of science in which the ignorance of it lead us to skepticism or despair Metaphysics has often been associated with the search of for necessary truth. It might seem that if is to provide a firm foundation, it must itself be left standing in need to be kind justification it attempts to offer human practice. And the possibility if metaphysic suggest an escape route from nihilism and a grounding for science. Metaphysics has always been particularly concerned with what there is, with the nature of reality. That is problem lies at the root s of all questions and perhaps we have to deal with the most basic presuppositions of our thought Without metaphysical reflection, there would be no suitable intellectual resources on which to draw answer criticism and challenges. Metaphysics may separate from reality from particular conceptions of it, even they are correct. Metaphysics as discipline cannot be defined out of existence , or dismis...

akhlak baik dan buruk

Akhlak yang buruk Suatu kondisi kejiwaan yang tidak seimbang karena mengikutisifat-sifat buruknya. AKhlak yang buruk membawa pengaruh yang negatife dan kadang-kadang mengkhawatirkan Alah sendiri misalnya menyebutkan salah satu pengaruh buruk itu kepada rasulnya. “Kalau engkau memiliki hati yang keras maka orang-orang akan meninggalkanmu.” Mengingat pengaruh yang sangat merugikan itu maka tidak heran kalau akal dan juga naql selalu naql juga banyak Untuk mengantisipasi pengaruh buruk itu banyak riwayat yang mengingatkan manusia akan dampat buruknya. Hendaklah kalian berbuat peliharalah akhlak yangbaik karena itu akan mengantarkan ke surga dan itu sesuatu yang pasti dan jauhilah akhlak yang buruk karena itu tempatnya di neraka dan itu sudah pasti. Allah merasa jengah untuk mengampuni orang yang memiliki akhlak yang buruk,Mengapa demikian wahai Rasulullah? Sebab jika ia bertobat dari satu dosa maka nantinya ia akan melakukan dosa yang lebih besar lagi. Siapa yang buruk akhlaknya bera...